These days you have a lot of options when choosing how you want to handle marketing your business. Do you rent a storefront, sell online, or do both? Do you want to sell to an exclusive, specific market, or throw as wide of a marketing net as possible? How do you want to create your logo, your printed materials, and your presence on the web? Are you going to attempt to do these yourself in an attempt to save money? Maybe you'll enlist the services of Kinko's or some online website service that will create a templated, cookie-cutter design for you. They won't really deliver the unique designs, out-of-the-box ideas and personal collaboration that your business deserves. Choose a designer and you'll get a professional who you can actually call, meet with, discuss the specific goals of your business with, and be heard by. In the end, you'll receive something tailored to your needs that is so much closer to what you actually want
and need
for your business. You call a wedding planner for a wedding, you go to a eye specialist for eye surgery – so why not a Graphic Designer for your visual and marketing needs?
Mike Rebel Design
I'm a freelance graphic artist from Phoenix, Arizona. I earned my BFA in Graphic Communication from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania in the 1990s, then went on to work in a package design company, a graphic design firm, a web design & marketing company, and a large church's art department. With all this varied experience, I started Mike Rebel Design in the 2000s, and have had the opportunity to meet some wonderful clients. I've worked on a variety of interesting projects, and aided many start-ups and small to medium size businesses in achieving their goals and reaching their markets with graphic products and solutions worthy of the quality they deserved. Starting with a blank sheet of paper, a blank screen, or a few words scribbled on a page and turning them into a logo, a website, or great idea for a next step is so rewarding. It thrills me as much today as it has at any point. Helping businesses in this way is what we designers live for, it's what we do, it's what we're here for – waiting for the next client to get in touch with us to bring that next opportunity to turn their dream into reality. Hopefully, that client is you. Let's see if I can help your business in some way and put my experience to use for you!